Social Wire
Jul 9, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. is grateful to have been named a Co-Manager on Vroom's $550mm 0.75% Convertible Notes due 2026.

@RandR_vets Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. is grateful to have been named a Co-Manager on Vroom's $550mm 0.75% Convertible Notes due 2026.

Jul 2, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Our Freedom, and all the citizen and military families that sacrificed to keep the United States of America – The Land of the Free & Home of the Brave! Happy Independence Day!

@RandR_vets Our Freedom, and all the citizen and military families that sacrificed to keep the United States of America – The Land of the Free & Home of the Brave! Happy Independence Day!
Jul 2, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Since that first free breath, we, as One People, have fought tirelessly for it to endure. Team Roberts & Ryan wants to thank all the Veterans from all branches our Armed Forces that have fought and died to keep this land free, all the active military that continue to defend

@RandR_vets Since that first free breath, we, as One People, have fought tirelessly for it to endure. Team Roberts & Ryan wants to thank all the Veterans from all branches our Armed Forces that have fought and died to keep this land free, all the active military that continue to defend
Jul 2, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.” With these words and the subsequent selfless actions of ordinary citizens and our military, Our Great Country took its first breathe!

@RandR_vets entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.” With these words and the subsequent selfless actions of ordinary citizens and our military, Our Great Country took its first breathe!
Jul 2, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets It opened, “WHEN in the Course of human Events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth the separate & equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God

@RandR_vets It opened, “WHEN in the Course of human Events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth the separate & equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God
Jul 2, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. wants to wish everyone a Happy July 4th – Our Independence Day. Let’s all remember. 244 years ago, 56 brave “Americans” signed the Declaration of IndepeJd9l8raO

@RandR_vets Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. wants to wish everyone a Happy July 4th – Our Independence Day. Let’s all remember. 244 years ago, 56 brave “Americans” signed the Declaration of IndepeJd9l8raO

Jun 25, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets In contrast to green bonds, companies can use deal proceeds as part of their general funding plans.* Enbridge also issued $500mm 3.40% due 2051 as regular securities.

@RandR_vets In contrast to green bonds, companies can use deal proceeds as part of their general funding plans.* Enbridge also issued $500mm 3.40% due 2051 as regular securities.
Jun 25, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Sustainability-linked bonds are a nascent asset class that generally penalizes issuers with higher borrowing costs if they don’t meet certain environmental, social and governance metrics. If the borrower meets or exceeds targets, coupons remain unchanged.

@RandR_vets Sustainability-linked bonds are a nascent asset class that generally penalizes issuers with higher borrowing costs if they don’t meet certain environmental, social and governance metrics. If the borrower meets or exceeds targets, coupons remain unchanged.
Jun 25, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. is proud to have been named Co-Manager on 2 of Enbridge’s debt issues. Enbridge’s $1B 2.50% due 2033 is their first sustainability-linked boVmW3

@RandR_vets Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. is proud to have been named Co-Manager on 2 of Enbridge’s debt issues. Enbridge’s $1B 2.50% due 2033 is their first sustainability-linked boVmW3

Jun 23, 2021
Roberts & Ryan
@RandR_vets Where are Cyber initiatives within your company driven from? Technology? Operations? Middle management? The C-Suite?

@RandR_vets Where are Cyber initiatives within your company driven from? Technology? Operations? Middle management? The C-Suite?